What inspired me this week?
I've been thinking about my mother lately. You see, we had our daughter and her family visiting this week and when they left a few days ago I thought of something my mother always said after my family visited her and my dad. She would call me a couple of days after our departure and mention how much she missed us, then she would chuckle and say, "The first few minutes after you left I gave a little sigh of relief, then after I caught my breath I started to miss you all over again." I never took offense to the first part of that thought -- if anyone knew "tired", it was me back then.What inspired me this week?
I think most of you

What surprised me this week?
One of the most amazing parts of being a mother or grandmother is watching your offspring explore and experience new things. This week we took our visiting grandson to a butterfly pavilion. This "tropical rainforest" is home to more than 1200 live butterflies. They fly freely in this enclosure occasionally landing on an unsuspecting soul. It's a sight to behold -- especially when seen through the eyes of an 18 month old. Take a look at these expressions...
It's an incredible thing to watch a child see something for the first time and experience such awe and amazement. Their feelings are so pure and unadulterated. An experience that we adults take as somewhat familiar can surprise and delight us even more when we see the event through the eyes of a child.