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Materials needed:
Bag front: 6 1/2" x
8" cotton fabric
Bag lining (& casing for
measuring tape): 6 1/2" x 12" contrasting cotton fabric
Ruffles: Two 2" x 12"
strips of same (or other) contrasting cotton fabric
Interfacing: 5 3/4" x 8"
fusible fleece interfacing
Two 5" lengths of
3/4" wide metal measuring tape
Finished bag: 5 1/2" wide x 4" high
Finished bag: 5 1/2" wide x 4" high
1. On the bag front pencil a line one inch away from each short end... (see below)
2. Center fusible fleece to wrong side of bag front and adhere it to the fabric. (The fusible fleece does not cover the seam allowance on the bag front. This ensures a less bulky side seam on the bag.)
3. Fold the 2" x 12" strips (ruffles) in half lengthwise and press. On the unfinished edge of the strip run a basting stitch 1/4" from the edge. Gather. {If you are unsure how to gather fabric, go here for a demo.}
4. Pin your gathered ruffle to the bag front. Place the edge of the gathered fabric along the penciled line on the bag front...
5. Sew ruffles to bag front 1/8" from unfinished ruffle edge. Remove basting.
6. On bag lining fold over short sides about 3/8" and press. Center the bag front on the bag lining wrong sides together. Pin.
7. Stitch 1/4" from unfinished edge of bag front and lining between the ruffles. (see below) This will make stitching of the sides easier.
8. Fold the bag lining over the bag front and the unfinished edge of the ruffles and stitch 1/8" from folded edge of lining. This will create the casing for the measuring tape...
9. (Optional) Here's where I get a little picky, but it I won't apologize because it makes for a professional looking bag. In the photos below, can you see where the side edges of the fabric are a little uneven in the top photo. The bag front doesn't meet the lining perfectly. In the bottom photo (below) the edges of the bag have been trimmed evenly. To cut these edges straight I take off about 1/8" with my rotary cutter. I know, I know....I'm a bit of a perfectionista. Geesh.
10. Fold the bag in half right sides (bag front) together. Your lining will be on the outside (see below)... On one side only stitch 3/8" from the edge. Trim and zig-zag edge. (Put the bag aside, and don't stitch the other side yet!)
11. Are you up for a little carpentry work? Now you get to dismantle a tape measure... It's fun. Undo the screws on the side of a measuring tape and take it apart. Be careful as you are doing this as the tape measure can "explode" when released from it's confining metal cover. Put a sturdy piece of scotch tape on the end of the measuring tape to keep it wound...
12. Now find the crummiest set of scissors you have in your house, because after you've used them on the measuring tape they are never going to cut well again. Cut two 5" pieces off the metal measuring tape, round the corners, and tape the ends with masking tape so the sharp edges don't rip your fabric...
13. This part is very important... Now slip those little measuring tapes into the casings at the top of the bag. The number side of the measuring tapes need to be facing toward the lining (or the inside) of the bag as in the photo below. (Note one tape is facing 'up' and the other facing 'down' because they need to be facing the lining on each side.)
14. When you have those little tapes shoved all the way inside the casing, pin the sides together and sew 3/8" from the edge of the fabric. Trim and zig-zag the seam.
15. Turn right side out and press! Yay!!! You're done!
Just think of the possibilities...
If this tutorial was helpful, please take the time to leave
a comment below. Your comments give me the
encouragement to continue creating!
If this tutorial was helpful, please take the time to leave
a comment below. Your comments give me the
encouragement to continue creating!
Also, please remember the little printer icon at the bottom
of this post that enables you to print {with ease} this tutorial!
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