I've always considered July to be the zenith in my garden. Everything is in full bloom and at its peak. Toward the first part of August the heat starts to take it's toll and the flowers begin to wilt a bit. Then as September approaches, temps cool down and the garden has one last "hurrah" before Fall sets in. For now, my blossoms are thriving. Here are a few photos of what's happening this week.

Ahhh, lovely Impatiens...
What would I do without their sweet, cheery faces!?!

I've always loved this little succulent called "Hens & Chicks."
You can see one to the left (& back) of the base of this birdbath...

Of all my flowering plants this year, the petunias are the star of the show.
To be honest, I've never much cared for petunias,
but after their gorgeous display this year
I've changed my mind.