Friday, December 27, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like...


I love this time of year. It's magical. And inspirational. And busy. I'm the type of person who thrives on busy. When my husband and I were newly married and still adjusting to one another, we were watching TV one night. I was up and down doing this and that while my husband sat and watched a favorite program. Finally he said in an amused sort of way, "Can't you just sit and relax for awhile?" My answer, "I should try that." Today I manage to relax on the couch frequently, but I'm happiest when I'm busy with a project or two. Or three.

Lately, I've been very busy. Before Thanksgiving arrived I had all the Christmas presents to our children and grandchildren bought, wrapped and shipped. I've never been so organized for Christmas. Having done it once, now I know that is the answer to having less stressful Christmas season. It's been heavenly.

We arrived home from Thanksgiving holiday, and had only a few days to decorate. I got it all finished and then last weekend we were off to the Nashville area for my grandson's baptism. We were so grateful we were able to be there with him and his family for that wonderful event. A baptism is a great way to start the Christmas season. We arrived home on Monday and today we are having new carpet installed in our basement. So excited.

We have another very exciting piece of news. Our son got engaged over the Thanksgiving holiday to a wonderful girl. We are excited to be planning another wedding reception for the end of April. I've never helped plan a spring wedding, so that should be fun.

Along with the good, our family has faced some challenges lately. Life is full of dichotomies. Sometimes I wish I could insulate my family from the trials and difficulties of this world, but that isn't possible. Life is good, but occasionally living it can be really, really hard. I've begun to realize that trials and difficulties can help us to grown and learn and become more sympathetic to others if we let them. They can also be so terribly painful. When things seem overwhelming, I've learned to lean on the Savior more fully. In return I've felt his love, peace and guidance more present in my life. I'm grateful. Celebrating His birth will be more meaningful this year.

You may have noticed (or not) that I haven't been blogging much lately. When I get busy with family and family "things" blogging is found waaaaayyyy down on the list. I never apologize for that. It's how it should be, but I've missed sharing.

I hope you're enjoying this holiday season. Since I'm at home today while they install the basement carpet, I'm going to get some baking done. Some cinnamon rolls are going to be popping out of the oven... and perhaps a cookie or two. Enjoy your day!

Friday, December 06, 2013