Last week on my Bloomin' Tuesday post I gave a sneak peak of these sleepy little birdies to the left and mentioned that I would be featuring them this week. Aren't they beautiful?
Saturday was my birthday and earlier in the week my husband bought me this beautiful fountain and installed it on Saturday for my birthday.
There is something about the sound of cascading water in a garden that makes my heart go flippity-flop. Seriously, I adore it. Deep down I think it has something to do with my love for the ocean. Since we are mid-country dwellers and don't own a beach house in Santa Cruz, a fountain in the back yard is the next best thing.

When we were looking at the fountains at the local nursery, I asked the gentleman waiting on us just how difficult it was to install a fountain. He said, "You put it on the ground, fill it with water, and plug it in." Knowing my husband
and his attention to detail, I knew it wouldn't be
that simple, but still it held definite promise of being an easy installation. And, you know what? It was quite easy...

My hubs wanted to place it on three bricks to ensure a level base. The salesman said to put it on a little sand and leave it at that, but my husband is an engineer. (For those of you whose husbands are engineers no other explanation is necessary.) Note the drawing he copied off the internet and pierced through the metal rod so the bricks would be placed "just so." Gotta love that man. After the bricks were all level we moved the base onto the bricks and checked it with the level again.

Then we moved the base off the bricks because it wasn't
perfectly level.
This man needs professional help. When I reminded him that it isn't healthy to be such a perfectionist, he turned to me with a smile on his face and said, "Well, it worked when I picked you!" That comment always makes me melt and shuts me up quick-like. ;o)

Then he ran the cord under the sidewalk and leveled the dirt. I had the difficult job of filling the fountain and plugging it in...

Isn't it gorgeous? I love it so much! Today I'm going to the nursery and buying a gazillion impatiens to plant around the base of the fountain. Lots of kudos to my talented hubs for a fabulous installation job!