I've already mentioned that a week ago my husband and son and I were in California visiting family. While there we took advantage of the gorgeous flowers that were blooming in my mother's and sister's gardens and shot some photos of them. The roses were especially beautiful! Flowers like these won't be available to photograph for a month or so in Colorado, so I thought I'd share these Bay Area beauties with you for
Bloomin' Tuesday this week.
My son's photos below.
To say he is a wonderful photographer would be a bit of an understatement.
Brandy (Apricot) Rose
Double Delight Rose
Rio Samba Rose
Freeway Daisies
Brandy (Apricot) Rose
My photos (below).
Roses like these can make even the
amateur photographer look good.
Double Delight Rose
Sombreuil Climbing Tea Rose
Chihuly Rose
Double Delight RoseFor more
Bloomin' Tuesday posts, go to
Ms. Green Thumb Jeans.
Wishing you a warm and wonderful spring day!