Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Puppy Love...

A couple of months ago I mentioned that we adopted a sweet little puppy from an animal rescue organization in Denver. Beau is the cutest cuddly-wuddly, creamy-dreamy, puddin' pie you could ever meet, and we already love him fiercely. He is, however, "all puppy" with all that that entails.

Because he's such a bundle of energy, I take him on several walks every day.  I've especially come to love my early morning walks with him. Usually we walk around our neighborhood, but once a day I take him to a lake close to our home and walk him there.

Today we took an early morning walk at the lake. Very few people were out and about, so Beau and I had the nature trail mostly to ourselves. These quiet moments have become times of reflection for me. I tend to dwell on things that matter most to me... God, my religion, and my family.

All families have rough roads that they have to navigate through every now and then. Our family has not been the exception, but I'm grateful that we've managed to circumvent these difficult situations as best we can and come out the other side with more understanding and love than we had originally. That's a big deal, and I'm grateful. Our Savior has been good to us. He has helped us develop understanding and clarity in difficult and stressful situations, and he has increased our capacity to love and cherish our family members and the relationships we hold dear.

I love that these walks with Beau have become an important time of pause and reflection in my daily routine. I'm especially grateful for those quiet moments at the beginning of each new day that help me organize my thoughts and count my blessings.