Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bloomin' Tuesday... actually on Tuesday

Most of the day yesterday I thought it was Tuesday. That's why I posted a Bloomin' Tuesday post even though it was Monday. Today, however, it really is Tuesday, so I thought I'd show you the project I'm working on in my garden. Earlier this spring the hubs and I had the unenviable job of taking out five low-lying juniper bushes in our yard. I hate junipers. Strong words I know, but they don't even begin to describe my dislike for those bushes. People {us included} put them in their yards to take up space and when they don't know what else to plant. They are a filler, but ours became an uncontrollable mess and they had to go. Yesterday I filled one of the areas where we had junipers with one billion pounds of soil, compost, and manure. Yup. One billion. At least it felt like that when I was done. It was actually 800 pounds, but that was still a whole lot of dirt to move from my car to the area where I was working!

After I filled the space with the soil mixture, I started planting. {My favorite part of gardening.} I didn't put in any annuals, just perennials that should come back year after year... coral bells, lavender, phlox, candytuft, day lilies, anemones, and hostas.

Wherever I am, Beau {our puppy} is at my heels. He helps a lot in our yard -- mostly by digging, burrowing in the ground, and aerating our flower beds. He thinks he's being helpful. I'm not convinced.

Now, if I can just keep this little rascally puppy from digging up everything, we'll be doing well.