- Soil - Purchase a good quality potting mix. Some come with fertilizer added, which might save you some time and money.
- Fertilize - I fertilize (Miracle Grow works well) approximately every other week to keep the plants putting out magnificent blooms.
- Drainage - Make sure your pot has adequate drainage. If your container doesn't have a hole in the bottom, drill one. Put a thick layer (at least several inches) of mulch, bark, or rocks in the bottom of your container before you add your soil to facilitate drainage.
- Dead Head - For those plants that need dead-heading, do it often! I dead-head every other day. That way the plants are constantly producing beautiful blooms.
- Water - In Colorado during the heat of the summer that sometimes means morning and evening, but usually only once a day. Keep the soil moist. Plants in clay or foam pots (more porous) will need more water than those in plastic containers.
- Entertaining - If you have a scheduled outdoor event in your yard and you want your containers to be at their best, clip off all the flowers on them about 1 to 1 1/2 weeks before the event. This will ensure new, luscious flowers for the event.
- As you plant the flowers into the containers, make sure to leave space around the plants for growth. Avoid packing the plants too tightly.

There's nothing that welcomes a guest like a lush, vibrant container overflowing with blossoms situated by your front door. On a patio, container gardens can surround a sitting area with soft fragrances and can create a more charming atmosphere. I hope this post encourages you to plant a container garden, especially if it's something you've never tried. Happy planting!