I'm always looking for containers to wrap presents in at Christmas time. A few weeks ago I came upon
this post at Holly's Haven. I admired the cute gift box she made from a recycled candy box. It got me thinking. I love the idea of the container being part of the gift. For example, a piece of jewelry being placed in a container that later could hold earrings, a ring, or some loose change. Here's what I came up with...
First I bought a few 99 cent paper
mache boxes at Hobby Lobby...

Then I bought a few sheets of scrapbook paper and collected these items that I had around the house...

Then I went to work and created these cute gift boxes. I just cut out some paper and
podged the scrapbook paper to the paper
mache box. (Tip: When you modge-podge make sure you put modge-podge on both surfaces -- the paper and the box. This assures a tighter seal.) Next you "paint" modge-podge all over the outside surface of the paper. This adds a sheen to the surface. When the box was dry I distressed the edges of the box a bit with an ink pad. Next I punched out my flower petals, distressed them, wrinkled them up a bit, stacked them, and used a brad to secure them together and to the top of the box. It would be easy to make bigger boxes too, by adding several "flowers" to the top of a larger box. This was one of the easiest and most fun projects that I've done in some time! Cute, eh?

These cute boxes could be filled with a piece of jewelry, a gift card, or Hershey's kisses! The possibilities are endless! ;o)
(Thank you, Holly, for sharing such a cute idea with us all!)