Last week my DIL gave birth to our 5th grandchild.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Roses, Impatiens & Nasturtiums are Blooming

Monday, September 22, 2008
September's Tote and Dwipe Give Away Results...
I just want to say a big "Thank You" to all those who signed up for the Give-Away this month and especially to those who put a shout out on their blog! I especially appreciated all your kind words as you left your comments! I had a lot of new faces visit my blog this month (thanks to the shout outs!) and it was so fun for me to check out all your blogs and "meet" you. Please check back often to see my new creations and feel free to leave a comment. I hold a Tote and Dwipe Give-Away monthly, so I'd love to see you again! On to the results of the Give-Away.
This month's Hang Up, "Retro Fall Flowers", will find a new home at ...
The "Retro Fall Flowers" Dwipe goes to ...
Stacie from the "Arizona Benningtons."
Stacie from the "Arizona Benningtons."
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sold - Turquoise Cider

This tote sells for the usual price of $45 for my 14 1/2" x 12" totes. It has all the usual features. Check out my sidebar to find more information about my totes and please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to purchase one of my Hang Ups or Dwipes! The price of $45 includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.
Sold - "Retro Flower & Fruit" Dwipe

Sold - "Autumn Bouquet" Dwipe
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Later that day...
(This is an update to the post below...)
Update: The rolls are out of the oven, cooling, on the rack, ready to be frosted and consumed...
Update: The rolls are out of the oven, cooling, on the rack, ready to be frosted and consumed...

I would like to make a confession. I am an event dieter. It's true. I always seem to take off the pounds a littler easier if I have an occasion looming in the distance... like a wedding. I've been pretty good lately -- it's been a slow and steady process, but a few pounds have come off and I've felt pretty good about that.
I'm afraid today I may gain it all back. You see, I am also an event eater. I tend to want to put anything and everything in my mouth and consume it when I'm nervous. My darling daughter-in-law is having their baby today. A command performance (induction) has been scheduled. I'm so excited and nervous. This is my 5th grandbaby. You'd think I would be able to control the nerves better by now, but that's not going to happen.
Anyway, I woke up this morning craving these:
Fortunately, when I'm in this type of circumstance, I go into cleaning mode. I run around my house like a banshee cleaning anything and everything in site. It was only after I turned on my oven's cleaning cycle that I realized it would be difficult to make the above mentioned delicacies without an operable oven! A sweet little ploy, if you ask me. The cleaning cycle will be completed in four hours. Hopefully, by then the baby will have arrived (wishful thinking, I know) and I won't have any need for any of these goodies. If it's a long labor, I'll have to whip some up and have two or three (or six or seven).
All this rambling to ask this little favor: Please send up a little prayer on behalf of my sweet daughter-in-law and grandbaby. (Laboring women deserve all the help that is available!) I'll be sure to post a photo when the baby has arrived.
I'm afraid today I may gain it all back. You see, I am also an event eater. I tend to want to put anything and everything in my mouth and consume it when I'm nervous. My darling daughter-in-law is having their baby today. A command performance (induction) has been scheduled. I'm so excited and nervous. This is my 5th grandbaby. You'd think I would be able to control the nerves better by now, but that's not going to happen.
Anyway, I woke up this morning craving these:

All this rambling to ask this little favor: Please send up a little prayer on behalf of my sweet daughter-in-law and grandbaby. (Laboring women deserve all the help that is available!) I'll be sure to post a photo when the baby has arrived.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sold - Sugar Baby

I don't know why this memory came to mind when I was sewing up this tote, but the chocolaty brown background and lusciousness of this fabric, must have prompted such a response. This Moda fabric designed by Erin Michael has such beautiful, warm Fall colors and the pumpkin orangey color on the bottom is the perfect accompaniment!
This Hang-Up has all the usual bells and whistles. Check out my sidebar to see how my totes are constructed. It measures approximately 14 1/2" x 12". Please feel free to email me at my email address on my sidebar with any questions you may have. This Hang Up sells for $45 -- which includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Happy Bloomin' Tuesday...

Make sure you scroll down to enter this month's Tote and Dwipe Give-Aways!
Monday, September 15, 2008
September Give-Away..."Retro Fall Flowers"

This month I took a poll to determine your favorite Fall colors. The results came back that the majority of you favored the colors of pumpkin orange and dark chocolate brown. However, most of the other Fall colors had a positive showing as well. I hope this combination makes everybody happy! This fun, retro fabric has a dark chocolate brown background with bright retro flowers in all your favorite Fall colors! The Michael Miller fabric on the bottom of the Hang Up, called "Beatnik Blur" is the perfect compliment next to the retro garden!
September's contest will run through midnight on Sunday, September 21st. Monday morning, September 22nd, the winner of the contest will be announced. For this contest one name will be chosen from all those entered. The contest is open to all blogging buddies, relatives, and friends. Don't be shy!

1) The participants must live in the continental U.S. or Canada. (I will provide the postage.)
2.) Each person that makes a comment below will have her name entered in the Tote Give-Away contest. If you put a "shout out" on your blog about the contest, and come back and let me know through another comment, your name will be entered again.
3.) No anonymous comments, please. If you are not a friend or relative that I already know and love, please leave your name and a way for me to contact you (either an email address or the address of your blog). If I don't have any way to contact you, your name will not be eligible.
4.) This tote is not meant for resale. Only those intending to use the tote for their personal use may sign up for this contest. Thank you!
"Retro Fall Flowers" measures 14.5" by 12". It is fully lined, doubly interfaced, and has a reinforced fabric covered base for extra support. It sports two inside pockets and canvas straps.
Scroll down for the September Dwipe Give-Away!
"Retro Fall Flowers Dwipe" Give-Away

The contest will run through midnight on Sunday, September 21st. Monday morning, September 22nd, the winner of the contest will be announced. One name will be chosen from all those entered. The contest is open to all blogging buddies, relatives, and friends. You don't have to be a young mother to enter this contest. Anyone with little ones (grandmas, aunts, friends, etc.) in their lives are welcome to participate. Just give it to someone you love if you can't use it yourself!
Here are the rules of the contest:
1) The participants must live in the continental U.S. or Canada. (I will provide the po

2.) Each person that makes a comment below will have her name entered in the Dwipe give-away. If you put a "shout out" on your blog about the contest, and come back and let me know through another comment, your name will be entered again.
3.) No anonymous comments PLEASE! If you are not a friend or relative that I already know and love, please leave your name and a way for me to contact you (either an email address or the address of your blog). If I don't have any way to contact you, your name will not be eligible.
4.) This Dwipe is not meant for resale. Only those intending to use the Dwipe for personal use may sign up for this contest. Thank you!
Oh My Goodness....
This morning I contacted Dana at "Charmed Designs." I have a chocolate brown dress that I'm going to be wearing at the wedding festivities and I was wondering if she could use her expertise to make me a bracelet and earrings that would add some pop to that little brown dress. She worked her magic and just look what she came up with...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Wedding Plans Continue...

The Chinese take-out boxes are one of our cutest finds. Not only are they perfect in size for favors -- only slightly larger than the votive holder next to it -- but these particular ones are embossed with a sweet little floral print! Just love 'em!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sold - Sassy Sunflowers
"Sassy Sunflowers" is the perfect name for this playful, sassy Hang Up. I ordered this fabric a couple of months ago, and when it arrived I knew I wanted to save it for this Fall. Hopefully, this makes all those who favor "russet red" very happy!

This tote sells for the usual price of $45 for my 14 1/2" x 12" totes. It has all the usual features. Check out my sidebar to find more information about my totes and please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to purchase one of my Hang Ups or Dwipes! The price of $45 includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.

This tote sells for the usual price of $45 for my 14 1/2" x 12" totes. It has all the usual features. Check out my sidebar to find more information about my totes and please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to purchase one of my Hang Ups or Dwipes! The price of $45 includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.
Sold - Pumpkin Passion
I may have been a little off my game yesterday morning as I struggled with fabric selection, but by yesterday afternoon I think I scored a touchdown. This gorgeous tote screams "Fall!" Love it! This is for all you "pumpkin orange" fanatics -- of which I am one. :o) These Moda fabrics are so luscious and rich in color and texture.
Feel free to check the sidebar to learn how my totes are constructed. If you are interested in buying one of my products or if you have a question, feel free to email me. My email address is on the sidebar. This tote is approximately 14 1/2" x 12". The purchase price includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.
Ok, so this week I've hoped to please all the "dark chocolate" and "pumpkin orange" ladies with my two new Hang Ups. This afternoon I'm going to take on the "russet reds." This one is going to be a very unusual tote and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result. Stay tuned...

Ok, so this week I've hoped to please all the "dark chocolate" and "pumpkin orange" ladies with my two new Hang Ups. This afternoon I'm going to take on the "russet reds." This one is going to be a very unusual tote and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result. Stay tuned...
WHAT !!!!
(Refer to the post below.)
Ok, ok -- STOP!!! Enough already. I feel like such a loser. My confidence as a fabric picker-outer has been seriously compromised. It's a wonder I've sold any totes at all! My favorite choice was #3. Yup, the ONLY number that was NEVER chosen. I'm a little shaken. It may take some time to get over this. Geesh. Man alive. In need an ibuprofen, a diet Pepsi, bunches of chocolate and a bubble bath.
Ok, ok -- STOP!!! Enough already. I feel like such a loser. My confidence as a fabric picker-outer has been seriously compromised. It's a wonder I've sold any totes at all! My favorite choice was #3. Yup, the ONLY number that was NEVER chosen. I'm a little shaken. It may take some time to get over this. Geesh. Man alive. In need an ibuprofen, a diet Pepsi, bunches of chocolate and a bubble bath.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Help!!! You decide...
Have you ever had one of those days when you couldn't make a decision? I sat in front of my fabric this morning for far too long trying to figure out which fabrics to put together for one of my next Hang Ups. I couldn't come up with a decision for the life of me. Finally I had the brilliant idea of letting you all decide which fabrics to put together. You can thank me for narrowing it down to five choices. I even gave you an "out" (#6) just in case I've lost my touch and you don't want to hurt my feelings. ;o) I know that many more people visit this blog than comment on it, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment and a preference! Thanks for helping me out...
Sold - "Cityscape"
I made this tote last night for my mother and named it "Cityscape." She has liked all the "city" Hang Ups I've made recently, so she ordered one up for herself. This tote is my larger version and this time I made a flat pocket on the front because I thought it was the best way to show off the fabric. It's classy and chic -- just like my mom!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Mag-nificent Giveaway!

Angie over at Leaping Thru Life is having a Mag-nificent Giveaway! She's helping out her niece's magazine fundraiser by giving away a year's subscription to a magazine of the winner's choice. Sweet! Such a great idea. Mosey on over to join the fun.
Guess which magazine I want to win?!?
Sold - Hot Chocolate Swirl
My sewing machine and I became friends once again and hung out together this morning. I couldn't wait to start working on some of my Fall-fabric Hang Ups! Here's one for all you ladies whose favorite Fall color is dark chocolate brown! This one is a beauty. Unfortunately, I can't really capture the metallic gold found in the fabric in a photograph. Frustrating. But trust me, that touch of metallic is there and it makes this fabric so beautiful and classy! Click on the photo to get an up-close look.
This Hang Up is my larger tote and measures approximately 15 1/2" x 12". It features a gathered outside pocket on the front of the tote. Both the fabric and the lining of the tote are fully interfaced. There is a roomy, two-compartment pocket inside, a removable reinforced base, and canvas straps. A fabric-covered button creates the perfect accent! Included in the price is the cost of shipping to the continental U.S. & Canada. If you would like to purchase this Hang Up, send me an email at the address on my side-bar. Comments are always welcome and appreciated!
PS - Don't you just love that sunflower peaking through the fence. Danged if that thing isn't stealing the show!

PS - Don't you just love that sunflower peaking through the fence. Danged if that thing isn't stealing the show!
Bloomin' Tuesday

Geraniums are a big bang-for-your-buck kind of plant. Their bold, bright colors can illuminate any garden. They ar

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