Friday, December 01, 2017

Another Quilt...

It's funny, but the one person I can guarantee won't read my blog posts is my husband. He's not exactly a social media butterfly, so I feel confident that I can publish a post about his finished Christmas quilt and he will never know. I love this guy so much. Throughout this crazy 45-quilts-in-a-year project he has encouraged me every step of the way. I'm a lucky girl to have been married to him for 40 years.

In looking for fabric for him I knew I could go several directions, but the most obvious was something to do with planes. He's a private pilot, and he loves to fly. I picked out this beautiful organic cotton fabric for the inspiration fabric of the quilt...

 Trans Pacific Cream - Trans Pacific - Birch Fabrics

I love this fabric because you can put so many different colors with it and it's more "adult" than many of the fabrics with planes. I chose two taupe fabrics and a burnt orange for accent fabrics. 

For the quilting I chose a "cloud" pattern...

Last time I posted I mentioned that I was going to redo one of the quilts I'd made for one of my sons, because the color on one of the fabrics went wonky (purple) on me. I ended up making a new one that day, and I think it's perfect. His quilt is the only quilt I have left to bind. Sooooo happy about that!