What surprised me this week?
We've had a rash of appliance failures of late. This week our refrigerator broke. We thought we would have to buy a new one. It's been awhile since I've purchased a fridge and let's just say, like everything else, the price of a fridge has escalated. Before purchasing a new one I decided to look into repairing the one we had. I thought I would be told that it would cost too much to fix it, but I was surprised to learn that it would cost under $300. Thankful? Absolutely.
What inspired me this week?
I read one of my favorite posts of all time yesterday. It happened to be written by one of my incredible daughters-in-law. Her words lifted and inspired me. Today was a hard day. I thought a lot about that post as I went throughout the day. I'm so thankful for inspiration that comes to us at just the right moment to shore us up for some of life's unexpected and difficult experiences.
What moved me this week?
Last week I was in Tennessee visiting a couple of my children and their families. Somehow two of my children ended up, at least for the time being, in Tennessee. That's quite a long way from their Colorado roots, but it is a beautiful state and they enjoy living there. I love visiting that lovely state, but I especially love visiting them. I would follow my kids anywhere. While I was there I was able to spend time with three of my grandchildren. One night I had a particularly moving experience. I was tucking in my granddaughter and listening to this little 5 year old say her nightly prayer. That night instead of saying her prayer, she decided to sing her prayer. Her sweet little voice floated up and down notes as she thanked Heavenly Father for her family and friends and asked Him to bless me that I might not be too sad when I leave. (That little girl knows me well.) She told me after she finished that she thought Heavenly Father would enjoy her song. I'm sure He did, as did I. The simple faith of a child always moves me.