Unfortunately, someone painted over all the hardward. Good grief! I'm going to try to strip the paint off the hardware that she's got, and I'll have to buy a few new pieces to replace missing hardware. It's beautiful though, isn't it?

She's not perfect in any sense. She's been battered around a lot and has about a bajillion layers of paint on her. Someone obviously started to strip the paint off and didn't get very far. I can relate. It is a hideous job, but in the end it's the only way to go...

Such beautiful details...

I'm so anxious to begin the refinishing, but I have to wait until it gets a little warmer. Oh, and before I forget. Here is some of the best news of all. Hard to believe, but true...

As I was driving her home, I assured this little beauty that $14.99 was not a true representation of her worth! On the tag you'll notice it says "Week 12." I can't believe someone didn't snatch her up on Day 2. So happy! More to come...