I've decided to hang up another shingle. I believe I've found something better than sewing. Years ago my daughter encouraged me to open a bakery. That was back when I cooked on a regular basis. Judging from how often my oven gets turned on now, that thought probably wouldn't cross her mind. We even had a name for our bakery... "Sweet Mamas." Great name, don't you think? Well, if ever I should open that bakery I have found my signature item.
Do you remember last week when I told you I made a sourdough starter? I mentioned in the next few weeks I would show you a few of the items I made with that starter. Well, strap on your seat belts ladies because the next few photos might have you lunging for a bite of your computer screen. Seriously. I have baked a lot of breads in my time, but I honestly believe this is the best. The sourdough goodness of this bread is absolutely delicious. The crunchy exterior is heavenly. I'm not kidding when I say it rivals San Francisco's marvelous sourdough delicacies. FYI: Here's where you can find this "Classic Sourdough Bread" recipe and the recipe and instructions I used to make my sourdough starter. (I divided this recipe into four smallish rounds.)
Now, are you strapped in good and tight? I wouldn't want to be responsible for the ruination of your computer screen. Without further ado...