We are lucky enough to have a peach tree in our backyard.

Fruit trees along the Front Range in Colorado (just east of the Rockies) are a hit and miss proposition. Most years we get fruit, but it's not unusual to have a late frost that hits the early budding trees eliminating the prospect of fruit for that year.

This year, however, was a good year. Our tree is full of big, beautiful, ripening peaches...

In the next few days we'll start harvesting these beauties...

Looking at all this ripening fruit has given me a hankerin' fer peach cobbler! (A southern drawl would come in so handy at times like this.) There seems to be two camps for cobbler recipes. One camp prefers the more rustic approach of biscuit-like dough plopped onto the top of the fruit and baked to a golden brown. The other camp prefers a sweet oatmeal cookie-like topping crumbled over the top of the fruit and baked till crisp.

You can't go wrong with either one, but I pitch my tent with the "oatmeal cookie-like topping" camp. I tend to be a little lazy with my culinary skilz these days, so a few years ago I concocted a recipe for "Suzanne's Easy Peasy Cobbler." This recipe can be used with any type of fruit, and the fruit can be fresh, frozen or even canned. I prefer fresh. Here are a few of my favorite combinations:
Peach & Berry Cobbler ::: peaches with a sprinkling of any type of berries
Berry Cobbler ::: a mix of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries -- my personal favorite!
Apple Cobbler ::: straight up or with dash of berries or cherries (remember to put the apples in the microwave for a few minutes to soften).
Cherry Cobbler ::: a perfect 4th of July treat!
For any of the above Cobblers use the following recipe:
Suzanne's Easy Peasy Cobbler
This recipe will fill: two 8x8 inch square pans; or one 9x13 inch pan
- Spray pan(s) with non-fat cooking spray and fill the bottom of the pan(s) with the fruit of your choice. You only need a fat layer of the fruit, but put in as much as you
would like. If you are using cans, you need about 3 large cans of fruit. - Depending upon the fruit sprinkle very lightly with sugar or sugar substitute. I use a little sugar on tart berries, tart apples, and tart cherries, but not on peaches.
- Here's the easy part...Buy a package of Oatmeal Cookie mix like the one to the right. I prefer Ms. Crocker's version (17.5 oz.), but I'm sure any will do.
- Mix up the cookie batter as directed on the package.
- Then crumble cookie mixture on the top of the fruit. Whaalllaaa!
- Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes.
- I like this best served warmed with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!