Today I needed to get out of the house. Yesterday we were practically snowed in. Colorado has had a relatively warm Winter with very little snow along the front range, but yesterday Mother Nature made up for lost time. We had a bit of a blizzard. I get cabin fever after a few short hours, so I needed to get out today. I traveled on over to the local Flea Market for a little excitement. (Yeah baby, that's how I roll.) I enjoy going to the Flea Market every now and then -- particularly when I need a little levity. I peruse the isles chuckling to myself over all the outlandish items on the shelves. Occasionally I find a little something that I like. Today I hit the gold mine! Permit me to share...
Since we are in "baby mode" in our family, when I came upon this little vintage romper my heart melted.

Let me just state at the onset that I am
not an antique or vintage connoisseur. My dream is to be one of the experts on "Antique Roadshow", but I don't need a crystal ball to realize that's not in my future. When I saw this beautiful little romper I was thinking it might be an authentic 1950ish cast-away. Since I got home I remembered seeing rompers just like this one in Chinatown last year, so now I'm thinking it's probably just a replication. Frankly, that doesn't even matter because I love it and I paid what I consider a fair price for it -- $6. I do love the detail on the front.

The little baby blue felted shoes I snatched for $3.50. Not bad. I'm not sure about the little pink flowers. I think I have a better chance at these shoes being "vintage" because times have changed and I don't see a lot of florals adorning little boy clothes these days. They are sweet though, aren't they?

I'm a sucker for holiday decorations. So I picked up these little baubles...

I'm thinking they'll look kind of cute in the midst of the Easter eggs I use to adorn my mantel. They were a few dollars each. The fur feels surprisingly realistic. Hmmm. I'm hoping Peter Cottontail didn't get caught by Farmer John and this is the result... :o/ (That was tacky... I apologize.)
Last, but not least, I have a little collection of what I term "blue and white" in my kitchen. Here's a sample of a few of my pieces.

See that little Delft pitcher in the middle? It looks like it "belongs", doesn't it? Well, now it does. That's the last item I bought today. I paid a whooping $9 for it, but I do love it immensely.
All in all not a bad price tag for an afternoon of entertainment!