What moved me this week?
This question has a double meaning for me this week. The question is both literal and emotional. Last Saturday we had to move all of our furniture off our main floor in preparation for the refinishing of our hardwood floors and the installation of our new carpet. The prospect of this overwhelmed me. Saturday morning my husband and I got up early and started the process. A little later that morning four male friends from church showed up at our house and within 30 minutes all the heavy objects were moved. Piano. Sofas. Curio. Grandfather clock. Dining room buffet. Dining room table. Five billion pound desk. And do you know what? They did it all with a smile on their faces. I have a feeling that Santa is going to be good to them this year!What surprised me this week?
I'm so excited (and surprised). Everything is on schedule for the renovations. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a bit surprising? It is to me. It's not unusual for things to get hung up here or there and for schedules to become "tentative" rather than "set in stone." I'm so grateful that these jobs are all on schedule and that we will be able to move back into the home permanently on Saturday. Yippeee!What inspired me this week?
I love studying the scriptures and trying to applying the lessons and principles taught therein to my own life. For me this is more easily done, when I'm fortunate enough to be in a classroom with a gifted teacher who inspires me to learn like that. We have a new Sunday School teacher at church. He is an inspiration. He's one of those individuals that is totally "at home" in the scriptures. There have been times in my life when I feel as if I've been a "casual visitor" of the scriptures, rather than a "familiar, best friend". I get the impression that that has never been the case with this new teacher. I would imagine that if this man sets his scriptures down on a bedside table before retiring for the night, that the book is open and that those pages aren't going to collect any dust. This teacher inspires me to dig deeper and learn more completely what is contained in those books.