The August contest will run through midnight on Sunday, August 17th. Monday morning, August 18th, the winner of the contest will be announced. For this contest one name will be chosen from all those entered. The contest is open to all blogging buddies, relatives, and friends. Don't be shy!
Here are the rules of the contest:
1) The participants must live in the continental U.S. or Canada. (I will provide the postage.)
2.) Each person that makes a comment below will have her name entered in the Tote Give-Away contest. If you put a "shout out" on your blog about the contest, and come back and let me know through another comment, your name will be entered again. (Remember last month both winners had entered their names in twice!)
3.) No anonymous comments PLEASE! If you are not a friend or relative that I already know and love, please leave your name and a way for me to contact you (either an email address or the address of your blog). If I don't have any way to contact you, your name will not be eligible.
4.) This tote is not meant for resale. Only those intending to use the tote for their personal use may sign up for this contest. Thank you!
"City Lights" measures 14.5" by 12". It is fully lined, doubly interfaced, and has a reinforced fabric covered base for extra support. It sports two inside pockets and canvas straps.