Monday, August 25, 2008
Bloomin' Tuesday

Thursday, August 21, 2008
SOLD - "City Street"

To get the most from this fabric, I made this Hang Up with my larger pattern and it measures approximately 15 1/2" x 12". Both the fabric and the lining of the tote are fully interfaced. There is a roomy, two-compartment pocket inside, a removable reinforced base, and canvas straps. Included in the price is the cost of shipping to the continental U.S. & Canada. If you would like to purchase this Hang Up, send me an email at the address on my side-bar. Comments are always welcome and appreciated!
SOLD - "Grape Splash!"

Feel free to check the sidebar to learn how my totes are constructed. If you are interested in buying one of my products or if you have a question, feel free to email me. My email address is on the sidebar. This tote is approximately 14 1/2" x 12". The purchase price includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.
SOLD - "Forest Flowers", $45
The fabric that graces the top of this tote is an Amy Butler print from her Midwest Modern line called "Ohio Sky." I bought it a couple of months ago and have been browsing for another fabric to compliment it ever since. Yesterday I came across the fabric I used on the bottom of the tote. It's a Heather Bailey print and words cannot express how much I love these two fabrics together!!! Sometimes a photo just doesn't cut it. This combination of these fabrics is just so fabulous together. (Be still my heart -- No, never mind, just flutter away!!!)
Anyway, this tote sells for the usual price of $45 for my 14 1/2" x 12" tote. It has the usual features. One thing I haven't mentioned in the past is that the lining for each of my totes is the same quality fabric that is on the outside of the totes...no cheapo "lining" here! It's all great, high quality fabric. ;o)
Check out my sidebar to find more information about my totes and please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to purchase one of my Hang Ups or Dwipes! The price includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.
Anyway, this tote sells for the usual price of $45 for my 14 1/2" x 12" tote. It has the usual features. One thing I haven't mentioned in the past is that the lining for each of my totes is the same quality fabric that is on the outside of the totes...no cheapo "lining" here! It's all great, high quality fabric. ;o)
Check out my sidebar to find more information about my totes and please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to purchase one of my Hang Ups or Dwipes! The price includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
SOLD - "Shop Till You Drop"

I loved the black and white fabric on my Give-Away tote this last month! It was from Blank Quilting's City Limits line, so I bought some more of their fabric and decided to whip up a couple more Hang Ups this week. This is the first of those creations. I named it "Shop Till You Drop" because it reminds me of going to the city for a shopping spree and lunch!
To get the most from this fabric, I made this Hang Up with my larger pattern and it measures approximately 15 1/2" x 12". Both the fabric and the lining of the tote are fully interfaced. There is a roomy, two-compartment pocket inside, a removable reinforced base, and canvas straps. Included in the price is the cost of shipping to the continental U.S. & Canada. If you would like to purchase this Hang Up, send me an email at the address on my side-bar. Comments are always welcome and appreciated!
SOLD - "Downtown Menagerie"
Here's another Hang Up with fabric made from the City Limits line. This one I named "Downtown Menagerie." I love this fabric. It definitely has a perky, happy feel to it! This tote measures approximately 14 1/2" x 12". Check out the sidebar to find more information about my totes and please feel free to email me with any questions you may have. This hang up sells for $45 -- which includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.

Monday, August 18, 2008
August's Tote & Dwipe Give-Away Results !
I just want to give a big "Thank You" to all those who signed up for this month's Give-Away and especially to those who put a shout out on their blog! I appreciate all your kind words so much! Please check back often to see my new creations. I bought some more fabric from the City Limits line to make some more totes and I hope to post some photos of those Hang Ups this week.
On to the results of the Give-Away. This month's winner was another person who got her name into the drawing twice by posting a shout out on her blog. (Man alive, that really works!)
On to the results of the Give-Away. This month's winner was another person who got her name into the drawing twice by posting a shout out on her blog. (Man alive, that really works!)
Saturday, August 16, 2008

SOLD - "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" Dwipe

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" Dwipe is made like all the rest. Please check out my sidebar for more information on how my Dwipes are constructed. This one sells for $15, which includes postage to the continental U.S. and Canada. Just shoot me an email if you are intersted!

Friday, August 15, 2008
August's Tote and Dwipe Give-Away...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sold - Bunnies & Chicks

To find out more about my Dwipes simply read the Dwipe information on my sidebar. This little ditty is $15 which includes shipping to the continental U.S. Please send me an email if you are interested in buying this Dwipe.
Sold - "Sugar 'n Spice" Dwipe

Sugar 'n Spice has all the usual features... high quality fabric, fully lined, interfaced, boxed corners, velcro fastener, and a tab with link attached. You can then add a play toy or rattle of your choice to the link to help keep the baby occupied while he/she is being changed. Feel free to order the pattern for an extra $5. Included in the price is the cost of shipping to the U.S. and Canada.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
SOLD - "Seeing Red"

This Hang-Up has all the bells and whistles. Check out my sidebar to see how my totes are constructed. It measures approximately 14 1/2" x 12". Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have. This hang up sells for $45 -- which includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
SOLD - "Olympic Dreams"
As a tribute to the Olympic Games, this tote was named ... "Olympic Dreams." Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love the combination of blue and white. I think it's especially pretty in this Asian themed fabric. This tote would be awesome worn next to a pair of jeans! It measures approximately 14 1/2" x 12". Check out the sidebar to find more information about my totes and please feel free to email me with any questions you may have. This hang up sells for $45 -- which includes shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada. Go for the gold USA!

Bloomin' Tuesday

Today I am going to share with you some photos of my hibiscus plants. This first hibiscus plant is planted in our yard. When these plants started showing up in our nurseries a few years ago and they were labeled "Hibiscus," I didn't have much hope of them surviving the winter. I'd grown up in northern California, and even there Hibiscus plants have a hard time in the winter. But, survive it did. This perennial is a wonder. It dies back every year, but comes back each summer with these magnificent blooms. These blossoms are at least 6 inches across!

Also, don't forget to sign up for August's Tote and Dwipe Give-Aways! Just scroll down and leave your name in a comment to participate!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
August's Give-Aways!
This month we have not only one Give-Away, but two! We've got the usual Tote Give-Away, and a Dwipe Give-Away as well. Scroll down to enter each contest. Remember you have to leave a separate comment under each contest to enter them both!
August's Tote Give-Away ... "City Lights"

The August contest will run through midnight on Sunday, August 17th. Monday morning, August 18th, the winner of the contest will be announced. For this contest one name will be chosen from all those entered. The contest is open to all blogging buddies, relatives, and friends. Don't be shy!
Here are the rules of the contest:
1) The participants must live in the continental U.S. or Canada. (I will provide the postage.)
2.) Each person that makes a comment below will have her name entered in the Tote Give-Away contest. If you put a "shout out" on your blog about the contest, and come back and let me know through another comment, your name will be entered again. (Remember last month both winners had entered their names in twice!)
3.) No anonymous comments PLEASE! If you are not a friend or relative that I already know and love, please leave your name and a way for me to contact you (either an email address or the address of your blog). If I don't have any way to contact you, your name will not be eligible.
4.) This tote is not meant for resale. Only those intending to use the tote for their personal use may sign up for this contest. Thank you!
"City Lights" measures 14.5" by 12". It is fully lined, doubly interfaced, and has a reinforced fabric covered base for extra support. It sports two inside pockets and canvas straps.
Dwipe Give-Away ... "Perfectly Paisley"

The contest will run through midnight on Sunday, August 17th. Monday morning, August 18th, the winner of the contest will be announced. One name will be chosen from all those entered. The contest is open to all blogging buddies, relatives, and friends. You don't have to be a young mother to enter this contest. Anyone with little ones (grandmas, aunts, friends, etc.) in their lives are welcome to participate. Just give it to someone you love if you can't use it yourself!
Here are the rules of the contest:
1) The participants must live in the continental U.S. or Canada. (I will provide the postage.)
2.) Each person that makes a comment below will have her name entered in the dwip

3.) No anonymous comments PLEASE! If you are not a friend or relative that I already know and love, please leave your name and a way for me to contact you (either an email address or the address of your blog). If I don't have any way to contact you, your name will not be eligible.
4.) This dwipe is not meant for resale. Only those intending to use the tote for personal use may sign up for this contest. Thank you!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
A Recommendation...

A few months ago, I overheard a few of my children mentioning that they had read the book, "The Last Lecture," by Randy Pausch. (Randy Pausch was a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon when he was asked to give a talk entitled "The Last Lecture." Many professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture." They are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. Randy Pausch didn't have to imagine it as his last lecture, because he had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer.) Some of my children mentioned that they had even watched the lecture online. Earlier this year I had tuned into Oprah for a few seconds when she was interviewing Randy Pausch. I heard enough in those few moments to be impressed by the man. We were in St. Louis when my husband and I saw his book at Costco and decided to buy it. With the recommendation of the kids and Oprah, I figured we couldn't go wrong. This last week Jill, Mark and I went to southern California for a little vacation. I brought along the book thinking I would have a little time to relax and enjoy it. I really didn't know what to expect as I started the book. I mean, what kind of advice or wisdom does a dying man offer in his last lecture? I guess I expected something profound and insightful -- especially since the book came so highly recommended. I wasn't disappointed. What I didn't expect was the effect this book would have on me.
When I started reading the book I thought it might be filled with bold, innovative ideas. Instead I found "down-home" advice and unembellished wisdom. In this complicated world that we live in, it is so refreshing to read about principles that are profoundly simple and sensible. There's something extraordinary about a person who can look back on his life and feel content that he has realized many of his dreams, created lasting relationships, and learned from his mistakes. That is a blueprint for a successful life in my eyes. It's one that I'd like to duplicate.
I loved the portion of the book that's entitled, "It's About How to Live Your Life." In this part of the book one can find one-page, mini-chapters with headings such as, "Earnest is Better Than Hip,"Don't Complain, Just Work Harder," and "Watch What They Do, Not What They Say." This book is filled with good advice for the college student, but as we all know, truth is truth, and just as applicable for the old as it is for the young.
It wasn't until I was halfway through the book that I was told that the author had passed away a little over a week ago -- which made the reading of the book that much more poignant. I just wanted to pass on my recommendation for a book that I feel is worthy of attention and study. I love a book that prompts me to take stock of my life, inspires me to make "course corrections", and encourages me to do better. This is certainly one of those books.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
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