Monday, July 18, 2011

Bloomin' Tuesday . . .

There's one in every crowd. You know the type. The one who craves attention and wants everyone's focus directed entirely on him. Right around the time my "Forever Stella" daylilies are starting to wane, out pops this attention grabber. When I bought my daylilies and planted them, this particular daylily was mislabeled. I planted him smack dab in the middle of the bunch. His foliage is about the same size as my Stellas, but his blooms shoot two feet higher than those around him. Geesh.

I will admit, however, that he is pretty good looking...

We've had very warm weather the last couple of weeks. Most of my garden is aching for a little relief, but some shade plants seem to do well with a little extra heat. My impatiens have finally filled in the area around my birdie fountain...

Can you see the hitchhiker on one of the birds?

With the warmer days my morning glory have started to sprout and climb. Their beautiful little faces give me so much pleasure. The rich bluish-purple variety below is one of my favorites. It's called "Grandpa Ott."

These flowers reseed themselves yearly, so I hardly have to plant any seeds each year. I know in certain climates morning glories are a noxious weed, but in Colorado they completely die back each fall, so they are considered a desirable plant.

Below is a new variety that I planted this year. Their flowers are small -- only about one and a half inches wide. Aren't they gorgeous?

Later this summer, I'll highlight the morning glories again. They are most beautiful toward the end of the summer.

For more gardening posts go here:
Bloomin' Tuesday @ Ms. Green Thumb Jeans's
Garden Tuesday @ Sidewalk Shoes
Tuesday Garden @ An Oregon Cottage