Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Prairie Nights"

Swirls, scrolls, thistle-like fleurettes, and mosaics combine to create a playful, cheerful feeling in this Michael Miller collection, aptly named "Whimsy," by Valerie Pillow and Anne Maxfield. I love the focused, uncluttered color palette in these fabrics that spotlight indigo blue, lime green and bright white. The fabrics I chose from this line for "Prairie Nights" remind me of a thick, dark night on the plains. Thistles growing. Grasshoppers singing. Moon glowing. Stars shining in an inky indigo sky. To me, "Prairie Nights" reflects the whimsical, vibrant sights and sounds of a night on the prairie. This is a pattern I designed myself. I have to admit, I love the wide hips on her and the rounded buttoned strap!

"Prairie Nights" will be found in my Etsy very soon.