Several years ago I was introduced to the idea of Mommy "Business" Cards by my daughter-in-law. I loved the idea from the get-go! Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, work part-time or full-time it's an easy way to share information with other moms you meet. We often encounter potential friends at our child's school, his daycare, church or the park. A mommy business card will eliminate the stumbling through your purse as you try to dredge up a scrap of paper and a pen so you can exchange pertinent contact information. With a mommy business card you have a card with just enough information {but not too much} for your new friend to contact you! These cards are also great to use as contact information for babysitters or when you drop off your child at someone's house for a play date. Keeping one in your diaper bag might prevent it from getting lost. I wish I had heard of these when my kids were young!
Anyway, a few weeks ago when I made my Snappy Bag, I realized it was the perfect size for my business cards --
-- which got me thinking. Valentine's Day was fast approaching and I wanted to give my daughters a special Valentine. I could have designed the cards myself, but I decided to bow to one with more experience. I contacted my friend Tawny who specializes in graphic arts. She whipped up some Mommy Cards for all my daughters. I loved the fresh, appealing designs she created. I paired the Mommy Cards with some fabric and got to work on some Snappy Bags that would compliment the cards...
Here's a sample of the cards Tawny created:
Chevron in Yellow...
And here's where you come in...
To find out more information or to order your own Mommy Cards from Tawny, go to her blog and send her an email with your request. {Her email address is on her sidebar.} Tawny sells a custom PDF for Mommy Cards for the reasonable price of $10!